

Our consulting projects will bring important knowledge of management reporting, visualization, business analysis and controlling to your company.

Consulting can be the most efficient form of knowledge transfer, if only it does not stay on paper, but also firmly settles into the minds of co-workers.

At iStudio, we think about the users and their needs, and also use efficient methods for demand analysis, teamwork, brainstorming, etc. We forward the good practice from numerous projects from different fields of business to our users, therefore we can, as a rule, quickly achieve solid results.

We will implement corporate reporting standards, help you develop dashboards, visualize business information or build state-of-the-art business presentations.

Information Design

Contribution Analysis

Contribution Analysis

We believe that good visualization is the key to efficient management reporting, strategic and operative business analyses, business presentations and other forms of information presentation to both the internal and external public.

Therefore, we systematically explore the disciplines of information design, data visualization, cognitive psychology of perception and attention and other disciplines. We apply this knowledge to the field of business decision making, using the most efficient business analysis and controlling methods.

Corporate Reporting Standards

Reporting Standards

Reporting Standards

A vast quantity of reports, analyses and presentations are created in organizations on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Despite these reports being created in different business sections (sales, marketing, controlling, personnel management, accounting, finances, etc.), they are all intended for a relatively small group of end users – managers. However, managers often have no spare time to make their way through the incomprehensible data volume, presented in different format, length, font, structure, form and colour, which depend on personal preferences and level of knowledge of the person who prepares an individual report.

Therefore, especially in large companies, it is important to implement the reporting standards to ensure the reports that are legible and consistently formatted, regardless of their source. The reporting standards are the »white paper« of reporting – knowledge and specific rules of good information design gathered at one spot, permanently available to all employees that are in any way integrated in the process of preparing business reports, analyses and presentations.

Controlling and Business Analytics

Profitability Analysis

Profitability Analysis

Profitability analysis and cost efficiency are popular »buzzwords« at the moment, but to us they represent a real project that we have been carrying out for over 10 years. Many years ago, we became familiar with the controlling systems of some of the largest European companies, such as DaimlerChrysler, Winterthur, UBS, Edeka and others. We will help you establish controlling systems, profitability analyses, price simulations and similar solutions, since we are active members of the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA).

Dobro prakso prenašamo v slovenska podjetja, ki jim pomagamo vzpostaviti sisteme kontrolinga, analize profitabilnosti, simulacije cen in podobne rešitve.

S širjenjem organizacije IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) naše znanje dopolnjujemo še z ameriško šolo. Smo namreč aktivni člani tega mednarodnega združenja.

Annual Reports

Each year many companies miss exceptional opportunities to efficiently present the positive aspect of their business practice to a wider public. The reason for this problem is a gap, a chasm even, between information designers on the one hand and business analysts and accountants on the other. Since they each speak their own language, the result might as well be very creative in the sense of design, however, in business aspect it is unfortunately often inefficient.

These two worlds need to be brought together in order to present a good end product, and that is a mission of professional information design, aided by the extensive knowledge of business analysis and good understanding of objectives and structure of annual business reports.

Business Presentations

Pie portfolio

Portfolio Analysis

The outcome of an important project, product, service sales to our key customers etc., frequently depends on the effectiveness of a presentation. Often, there is no second chance following an ineffective presentation and an opportunity goes down the drain…

Preparing a business presentation demands a well thought-out structure, meaningful emphasis on key ideas, conveying an overall message to motivate target public, using convincing visualization, data positioning, appropriate language and much more. iStudio will help you prepare an effective presentation which will make it easier for you to achieve goals in crucial moments of your business process.


Contact us, we might have a solution for you.

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